
About the LösUS® method


About the LösUS® method

Free yourself from unconscious guilt and emotional blockages – with the LösUS® method

Have you ever had the feeling that something inside you is holding you back without you being able to grasp exactly what it is? Do you feel like you keep running into invisible walls in certain areas of your life, no matter how hard you try? Perhaps you feel a diffuse heaviness that accompanies you - be it in your relationships, in your professional success or even in your perception of happiness.

The feeling of not being enough or that you have to “make up for something” is like a constant companion.

Many people carry unconscious feelings of guilt with them. These inner burdens are deeply hidden and yet constantly present - like a dark shadow that keeps stopping you, burdening you, seemingly turning against you - even if you are doing everything "right" on a conscious level.

The problem: Unconscious guilt blocks your progress

Unconscious feelings of guilt can come from many sources. Perhaps from past experiences in which you felt responsible without actually having done anything wrong. These situations can lie far, far in the past. These completely unconscious feelings of guilt take root deep within you. Precisely because they are not conscious, they have a deep impact day and night on every area of your life.

Unconscious guilt blocks your development and manifests itself in many ways:

  • Inner restlessness and self-doubtthat prevent you from making courageous and right decisions for yourself and your life.
  • problems in relationshipsbecause you always have the feeling that you are not enough, that you need your partner too much, or that you make vague accusations against yourself without understanding them.
  • professional stagnationbecause you subconsciously believe that you do not really deserve success, that you do not really deserve recognition and good earnings, or that you have to atone for some intangible mistakes of the past.
  • Emotional and physical tension, which builds up through the constant carrying of this invisible burden and which has not really, not fundamentally changed despite the many attempts to solve it.

Many people try to free themselves from these blockages using various methods or techniques, but as long as the underlying unconscious guilt remains, it is impossible to be truly free in the aspects affected by it.

The Pain: Unconscious Guilt Can Affect Every Aspect of Your Life

Unconscious guilt doesn't just affect individual areas of your life - it permeates everything. Imagine that you see your life through a filter that obscures everything. You may keep feeling the vague feeling that you are "not enough" or that you have to "atone" for something in your life, even if you can't see why.

People affected by unconscious guilt often experience these symptoms:

  • Recurring self-reproach: Again and again you catch yourself blaming yourself for things that happened long ago or over which you had no influence.
  • Feeling of worthlessness: You constantly doubt that you are worthy of being happy or successful.
  • Emotional withdrawal: You may feel like you are closing yourself off emotionally because you believe deep down that you are not doing justice to other people.
  • Persistent sadness or anxiety: Unconscious feelings of guilt can be so strong that they can manifest themselves in serious emotional distress.

But all these burdens, all these inner conflicts do not have to determine your life permanently. There is a solution that can help you understand the nature of unconscious guilt and finally free yourself from it.

The solution: The LösUS® method – your path to emotional freedom

Here comes the LösUS® methodThis method was specifically developed to help peopletheir unconscious feelings of guiltto uncover, understand and resolve them. The method goes far beyond superficial techniques - it aims to permanently resolve deep-rooted emotional blockages and enable you to live your life with freedom and ease again.

The LösUS® method is based on the realization that feelings of guilt are often unconscious and yet have a massive, subtle influence on our perception, our behavior, our feelings and our fate. With LösUS® we can resolve these feelings in a targeted manner. In this way, unconscious guilt loses control over your life and new perspectives and new growth open up for you.

How does LösUS work?

The four basic steps of LösUS®

  1. Step 1: The first step is to find the origin of the complaint, i.e. to explore the underlying unconscious guilt.
  2. Step 2: Having arrived at the source of the complaint, it is a matter of resolving the unconscious guilt and carrying out the self-forgiveness that is usually necessary.
  3. Step 3: It may be, but it does not always have to be the case, that more intense emotions arise in step two. These must be allowed in a targeted and controlled manner and thus resolved.
  4. Step 4: Once these steps have been completed, it is important to return to the starting point of the process and review this situation again. The next "practical test" then takes place in life itself.

Why the LösUS® method is different

In contrast to many other approaches, the LösUS® method to the real origins of the problemsInstead of just working on the symptoms, it helps you to release deeply hidden unconscious feelings of guilt and thus to let go of all the emotional blockages and other destructive unconscious behavioral patterns caused by them.

Another great advantage of the LösUS® method is that it can be used at a “professional level” by both therapists and coaches can be used as well as for the self-users This means that you can either seek professional support or pursue self-healing - both of which will lead to a significant improvement in your quality of life.

What you can gain from the LösUS® method

After using LösUS® you will feel the burden of unconscious guilt diminish. You will feel lighter, freer and able to achieve the things you have long wanted in your life.

The method allows you to:

  • freedom from inner blockages: You will no longer allow guilt and self-doubt to hold you back.
  • Healthier Relationships: Without the burden of guilt, you will be more open and authentic in your relationships.
  • self-esteem and self-confidence: You will feel your own strength and self-worth again.
  • ease in everyday life: Instead of inner heaviness, you will rediscover the joy and lightness of life.

Conclusion: Your journey to emotional freedom begins here

The unconscious feelings of guilt that may have held you back for years no longer have to be a part of your life. With LösUS® you have a clear path to getting rid of this burden and finding your full emotional freedom.

You are worthy of living with ease. Discover LösUS® and start your journey to inner healthy transformation and freedom today.

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